- Net Zero Plan approved to achieve zero corporate net CO2 emissions by 2040.
- Achieved significant distinctions and certifications for being committed to responsible management of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.
- High focus on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and growth in occupational health and safety culture
Rome 3 July 2024 – Open Fiber has published its fourth Sustainability Report, the tool for monitoring ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) performance and communicating it to the organisation’s internal and external stakeholders. In 2023, Open Fiber attained significant milestones in sustainability, notably the approval of the Net Zero Plan. This bold step towards zero net emissions by 2040 reaffirms the company’s commitment to fighting climate change.
The report also provides a summary of the impact on the territory insofar as its contribution to the country’s digital development: 5,840 small municipalities placed on the market, 178 “very white” municipalities covered (the so-called “no internet” municipalities where not even an ADSLADSL ADSL, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, is one of the cable broadband technologies which, via a modem, uses the normal copper twisted pair and transforms the traditional telephone line into a high-speed digital connection. This type of connection is referred to as ‘asymmetric’ because it permits two different speeds: a higher download speed to receive data and a limited upload speed to transmit it. Operating in Italy since 2000, the quality of an ADSL connection depends on the consistency of the copper, the distance of the main collector, and, last but not least, whether or not the distributor is connected via fiber optics to the rest of the network. technology connection was available before Open Fiber’s intervention), 21,000 schools covered, about 1,570 healthcare facilities connected, and several partnerships signed for P.A. digitalisation and enterprise development.
The innovation pillar is prominently highlighted through the description of networkNetwork In computer language, the term network defines a set of hardware and software devices which, when linked together, enable the exchange and sharing of resources, data or information. In a computer network, the devices that generate, route and terminate data are called network nodes. expansion plans (such as BackboneBackbone This term refers to a very high-speed network that connects other networks. For example, the Open Fiber backbone connects the cities covered by the service. Another example are Internet backbones that connect national networks and allow users in each country to see any site located in another part of the world. 2.0 and Edge Data Centre), participation in national and international research programs (such as RESTART and 5G coverage along transport corridors – Frejus), and development plans for smart cities, Digital Villages, smart grids, Fiber sensing, and Digital Twin.
The document outlines the process of strengthening the stakeholder engagement strategy on ESG issues and is intended to foster a continuous and participatory dialogue with customers and local administrations. It then turns its attention to human capital, spotlighting the increase in the company’s workforce (+10% for Open Fiber S.p.A. and +42% for Open Fiber Network Solutions, with 33% and 28% female representation, respectively) and the enhancement of training and skills development (with over 83,000 hours of training, averaging more than 47 hours of training per person, representing a 46% increase compared to 2022). The commitment to promoting initiatives related to Diversity, Equity, and inclusion as well as employee well-being is also noteworthy: listening channels, agreements to support parenting and caregiving, prevention campaigns, and projects for women’s empowerment, in addition to the C.A.R.E. Programme, which encourages the growth of the culture on occupational health and safety issues.
Open Fiber has achieved certifications for the Energy Management System according to ISO 50001 standard, Gender Equality according to UNI/PdR 125 reference practice, Information Security Management System according to ISO 27001 standard, GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Inventory according to ISO 14064-1 standard and ESG Certification, and upheld certifications for the Quality, Health and Safety and Environment Management System according to ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 standards. Open Fiber also distinguished itself for its policies on management and enhancement of human resources, being awarded the Top Employers Italia being awarded the Top Employers Italia distinction from the Top Employers Institute and the Great Place to Work distinction from the Top Employers Institute and the Great Place to Work being awarded the Top Employers Italia distinction from the Top Employers Institute and the Great Place to Work distinction.“Sustainability, in all its multiple meanings, is a pillar of Open Fiber’s development plan,” stated Mr Paolo Ciocca, Chairman of Open Fiber, “through our Sustainability Report, we want to provide a transparent overview to all our stakeholders, outlining our commitments, actions, and achievements in an increasingly strategic area for the market and the community. Open Fiber is a sustainable company due to the intrinsic nature of its business, which contributes to the country’s digitalisation, zeroing the urban-rural divide, as well as to the care for its employees and the responsible management of its value chain.”