Energy: we are committed to continuously improving energy performance
The creation of sustainable strategies cannot be separated from the implementation of a sound Energy Policy. Our ultimate goal is to achieve operational objectives and a commitment to the continuous improvement of energy performance in support of broader environmental sustainability goals.
Open Fiber’s Energy Policy: our goals
Open Fiber is committed to implementing an energy policy that is in line with the company’s aims and context and that places the achievement of company objectives and a commitment to continuous improvement in energy performance at the centre of its strategy.
The Energy Policy regulates the processes carried out within Open Fiber in a planned, documented manner and aimed at achieving the following goals:
- Promoting a corporate culture oriented towards energy efficiency issues, disseminated through constant and targeted communication, training, awareness-raising and motivating employees and external collaborators.
- Maintaining an ongoing dialogue and collaboration with our suppliers and customers, who are considered strategic partners, involving them in behaviour that is consistent with OF’s energy policy.
- Constantly fulfilling the current energy regulations and other requirements regarding energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption.
- Continuously and constantly conducting research on cutting-edge technological solutions with a low environmental impact and innovative solutions aimed at optimising and reducing energy consumption in order to continuously improve performance.
- Training personnel in using energy sensibly with particular reference to areas where energy consumption is high.
To this end, Open Fiber undertakes to:
- Train and inform its employees and all its interested stakeholders so that they know and are aware of their responsibilities, the processes which they are a party to and the impacts associated with them.
- Streamline the organisation chart of the energy management system by identifying roles and responsibilities, work steps and information flows.
- Continuously evaluate actions and ensure the availability of information and resources that are necessary to implement the energy policy and achieve the energy objectives and targets.
- Ensure that objectives are always consistent with the needs and expectations of all stakeholders.
- Support the procurement of energy-efficient products and services that have an impact on Open Fiber’s energy performance and its value chain.
- Support design activities that take into account the improvement of energy performance.
- Periodically review the management system, ensuring the continuous improvement of the system and the energy performance.
Our commitment to energy
At Open Fiber, we believe in the importance of energy sustainability and therefore, in line with the objectives of the strategic business plan, we ensure extra attention to the issues dealt with at national and international level concerning energy efficiency, decarbonisation, increasing the share of renewable energy sources and reducing dependence on fossil energy sources, in compliance with current regulations.
In order to implement effective and efficient energy management, Open Fiber pays attention to the preparation and systematic implementation of processes and procedures aimed at identifying and resolving any critical issues that emerge, maintaining high energy performance and continuously improving the quality of services provided through the following commitments:
- We build an efficient infrastructure
The infrastructure built by Open Fiber is powered by technological sites designed and built with energy-efficient solutions from a choice of specially designed technologies.
- We monitor our consumption and energy performance
We periodically monitor energy consumption and performance with the aim of increasing awareness of energy needs and consumption anomalies. In order to make the monitoring and analysis of our consumption more accurate and timely, Open Fiber aims to digitise processes through the use of an information system and related physical infrastructure to work on potential areas of improvement.
- We continuously improve the company’s energy performance
We plan and implement energy efficiency and criticality resolution measures that contribute to the reduction of energy consumption and costs, regulatory compliance and the reduction of environmental impacts related to the use of fossil energy sources.
- We promote the use of energy from renewable sources
We use technological solutions and suppliers for our consumption that ensure that the energy used is produced from renewable sources. We are also committed to researching, designing and implementing solutions for the self-production of energy from renewable sources.
- We promote an energy-saving culture
We encourage virtuous patterns of behaviour geared towards a more sensible use of energy by raising awareness and training and informing employees.
To guarantee these commitments, we have implemented and maintain an integrated management system in accordance with international standards UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 14001, UNI ISO 45001, and an energy management system in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO 50001, inspired by the UNI EN ISO 26000 (Corporate Social Responsibility) guidelines.
Stakeholder involvement and the creation of an energy-oriented corporate culture are central elements of our approach.
The Open Fiber management system
To support the implementation of the aforementioned commitments, the Company is inspired by the principles of the Energy Management System, with particular reference to the relevant ISO international standards, applying them to all levels of the organisation and to all offices, structures and personnel reporting to it.
ISO 50001 Certification