Open Fiber, 5G Frejus: beyond borders with the first European project

Within the framework of the Connecting Europe Facilities (CEF-2) 2021-2027, Open Fiber, together with Cellnex Italy, Cellnex France, RFI, ANAS, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM), and Accenture, was awarded the “5G coverage along Transport Corridors (CEF-DIG-2022-5GCORRIDORS)” tender. This will finance the “5G Fréjus Inception study for deployment of 5G in the Fréjus cross border section between Italy and France” for the development of 5G coverage in the Fréjus tunnel.

Connecting Europe Facilities: the European funding programme

Connecting Europe Facilities CEF-2) 2021-2027 is a European funding programme to promote growth and competitiveness through the efficient interconnection of transport, energy and digital networks between EU Member States. The project envisages the development of high-performance, secure and sustainable digital infrastructure. This goal perfectly reflects Open Fiber’s corporate mission.

In this context, we were awarded the “5G coverage along Transport Corridors (CEF-DIG-2022-5GCORRIDORS)” tender, which financed the “5G Fréjus Inception study for deployment of 5G in the Fréjus cross border section between Italy and France” for the development of 5G coverage in the Fréjus tunnel between Italy and France.

The 5G Frejus Project: fiber optics crosses borders

Within the framework of the “5G Fréjus Inception study for deployment of 5G in the Fréjus cross border section between Italy and France” project, a specific corridor was identified as the focus of the study: it comprises the railway tunnel operated by RFI and the road tunnel operated by ANAS connecting Italy to France along the Mediterranean TEN-T.

What will Open Fiber be responsible for?

  • Studying the fiber optics connectivity of the tunnel’s DAS coverage
  • Analysis of the environmental impact and sustainability of the solution and the beneficial costs of the project
  • The development of a plan for the subsequent implementation of the infrastructure
  • Activities to disseminate and communicate results.

Goals and results 

The 5G Frejus Project is an important achievement for Open Fiber and confirms the company’s commitment to the development of ultra-fast, secure and sustainable digital infrastructure as part of a broader European programme of digital and sustainable transformation of the economy and society. 

The ultimate goal is to foster investment in areas where the market alone would not make the expenditure sustainable, providing 5G connectivity along Europe’s main transport routes, thereby contributing to the reduction of the digital divide and strengthening social, economic and territorial cohesion in the EU.

Read more on the European Commission website