The plan – created by Infratel, an in-house company of the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) – promotes the creation and integration of ultra-broadbandBroadband The term broadband, in telecommunications, generally refers to the transmission and reception of information data at a connection speed of over 144 kb/s. Broadband organises different channels, conveying different content in the form of data, such as Internet radio, animation, audio files and high-definition video. internetInternet The word comes from the fusion of the English terms international and net, i.e. international network. This term refers to the worldwide computer network that users all over the world can access via a computer to transmit and share data and information. service infrastructure in areas with low population density, also known as White AreasWhite Areas White Areas are those where private operators have not deemed it worthwhile to invest and therefore lack broadband and ultra-broadband infrastructure..

As the company responsible for organising Broadband and Ultra-Broadband government tenders, Infratel launched three tenders for the implementation of these works, which Open Fiber was awarded.

Open Fiber solely operates in the wholesaleWholesale Open Fiber is a ‘wholesale only’ operator, i.e. it operates exclusively in the wholesale market, offering access on fair and non-discriminatory terms to all interested Market Operators. market and entrusts the distribution of services to its Partners, Italian and foreign telecommunications operators that will be responsible for selling the connection to end users.

Tenders include the wholesale design, creation, management and maintenance of passive and active access networkNetwork In computer language, the term network defines a set of hardware and software devices which, when linked together, enable the exchange and sharing of resources, data or information. In a computer network, the devices that generate, route and terminate data are called network nodes. infrastructure for property units located in White Areas (C&D Clusters).

Download the complete list of municipalities included in the Infratel tenders

The ‘1 Giga Italy’ Plan (1), funded by: PNRR M1 C2 I3 ‘Ultra-fast networks’, aims to promote investment in the construction of an ultra-broadband network to guarantee all users a connection speed in line with the European GigabitGigabit The Gigabit is the unit of measurement that represents 1 billion bits and is abbreviated as Gbit or Gb. This unit of measurement is often used, together with the megabit and the kilobit, in relation to time (in seconds) for calculating the transmission speed of digital signals, mainly used to calculate the speed of a data download. The Gbit/s is currently a widely used unit of measurement to refer to data transmission speed in computer networks. society and Digital Compass targets.

The tender foresees the allocation of up to €3.7 billion in subsidies over 15 lots (for 6.8 million civic entities) (2). Infrastrutture e Telecomunicazioni per l’Italia S.p.A. (“Infratel Italia”), a company with a sole shareholder, the Agenzia nazionale per l’Attrazione degli Investimenti e lo Sviluppo d’Impresa S.p.A. (National Agency for the Attraction of Investments and Enterprise Development), has launched a selection procedure for the construction of new telecommunication infrastructure capable of delivering services with expected peak hour traffic speeds of at least 1 Gbit/s downloadDownload The action of downloading or retrieving data from the network. and 200 Mbit/s uploadUpload Uploading data online.. Open Fiber was awarded 8 lots (3) for the implementation of the ‘1 Giga Italy’ Plan.

The company exclusively operates in the wholesale market: we entrust the distribution of services to our Partner Operators, who are responsible for the distribution of business solutions to the end user.

Quarterly planning

1. Investment projects for the creation, by means of public grants, of new telecommunications infrastructure and related access equipment capable of providing services with a capacity of at least 1 Gbit/s download and 200 Mbit/s upload
2. The public contribution will cover up to 70% of the costs incurred, while a share of no less than 30% will be borne by the beneficiary
3. The 8 lots include the following regions: Apulia, Tuscany, Lazio, Sicily, Emilia Romagna, Campania, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Lombardy

Coverage plan map

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List of work sites

Download the document to view the list of all work sites with Open Worksite Status and above for both FTTHFTTH “Fiber to the Home” is the technology that connects POPs, located in exchanges, to end users’ property units with fiber optics. and FWAFWA Also known as ‘Wireless Local Loop’ (WLL), FWA refers to the use of radio solutions to cover the last mile to property units dispersed in very sparsely populated areas. A main antenna, typically connected to the network via fiber optics, covers an area of varying size where an antenna is mounted on each property unit equipped with an apparatus that transforms the radio signal and enables the connection of the CPE (Customer Premises Equipment), the electronic device used as a user-side terminal. for all municipalities covered by the Infratel tenders awarded to Open Fiber for the implementation of the UBBUBB Ultra-broadband is when the actual download connection speed is at least 30 Mbps. Networks in which the connection speed reaches or exceeds 1 Gbps are generically referred to as ultra-fast networks. To enable these speeds, optical fibres must be used instead of traditional copper cables, which is why these networks are called optical access networks (NGANs) or, more simply, optical networks (NGNs). network.

Data updated 12 June 2023
Data updated 17 January 2023