22 April 2022
  • Parties sign MoU on sustainable and innovative mobility
  • Open Fiber Network Solutions created, a new consortium formed with Amplia Infrastructures and CIEL to recruit and train workforce to deploy ultra-fast fiber network across the country.
  • Autostrade per l’Italia CEO Roberto Tomasi: “This partnership represents a new paradigm: the synergies between the country’s major players are the turning point on the road towards digital transition and the mobility of the future”.
  • Open Fiber CEO Mario Rossetti: “This agreement is the fruit of a shared idea of the mobility of the future. The Consortium we have put in place is also a response to a lack of manpower in the sector and to complete coverage of the areas most heavily penalised by the lack of connectivity”.

Rome, 22 April 2022 – A joint venture in consortium form for the implementation of ultra-fast fiber in Italy and a strategic partnership for the country. A leap into the future of mobility and digital transition, opening up a chapter of new and deeper synergies between the major players.  Open Fiber and Autostrade per l’Italia Group (ASPI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the aim of accelerating Italy’s digitalisation and collaborating on projects and initiatives to make its cities and roads smarter.

As a concrete response to the shortage of skilled labour, Open Fiber, the Aspi Group through its construction subsidiary Amplia Infrastructures and CIEL, a company specialised in tech systems, have formed a Consortium to work on completing the fiber optic network that Open Fiber is building across Italy. The Consortium, named Open Fiber Network Solutions, will recruit and train specialists to work in the construction of fiber optic telecommunications infrastructure. The Consortium’s teams of technicians will be operational from June. When fully up to speed, the Consortium will employ around 1,000 people.

The MoU between Autostrade per l’Italia and Open Fiber aims to boost road and network infrastructure digitalisation projects through smart cities, ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems), smart roads, e-mobility and sustainable and innovative mobility generally.

In this area, the Aspi Group and Open Fiber are best placed to play a leading role in Italy. Open Fiber has expertise in the design, construction and operation of the networks and ITIT Acronym for ‘Information Technology’, the technology used in the management and processing of information. This refers to the use of any computer, storage and networking system and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, protect and exchange electronic data in any format. systems to transport and process large volumes of data (including video) in real time. Autostrade per l’Italia has the know-how to develop technological solutions to acquire and process traffic management and access control data and video analytics algorithms, as well as the ability to deliver innovative sustainable mobility services, analysis and the digital development of processes for mobility and logistics. For ASPI, the partnership with OF is part of the Mercury Programme, a technological innovation hub involving the Group’s five subsidiaries (Amplia Infrastructures, Tecne, Movyon, Free to X and Elgea).

“This partnership affirms a new paradigm”, said Autostrade per l’Italia CEO Roberto Tomasi. “The synergies between the country’s major players are the turning point towards the digital transition and the mobility of the future. A step that confirms Autostrade per l’Italia’s central role in the strategic relaunch of national development. It is a role we have acquired thanks to a robust business transformation built around a strategic vision that aims to establish the Group as an increasingly integrated mobility manager.  The 21.5 billion euro modernisation plan already underway and ASPI’s recent Mercury Programme are pointers towards a future of interconnected and sustainable mobility, starting with more modern and secure infrastructures. Today’s partnership strengthens our strategy even more.”

“This agreement is fruit of a shared idea of the mobility of the future, to make smarter processes and applications not only in cities and towns, but also on roads, motorways and ports. All part of Open Fiber’s strategy that goes beyond connecting homes and industrial districts to affect the country’s entire digital infrastructure,” commented Mario Rossetti, CEO of Open Fiber. “The Consortium we have put in place is also a response to the labour shortage in the telecommunications sector, and aims to complete coverage of those areas of Italy most heavily penalised thus far by the lack of connectivity”.


Open Fiber was created to build an ultra-broadbandBroadband The term broadband, in telecommunications, generally refers to the transmission and reception of information data at a connection speed of over 144 kb/s. Broadband organises different channels, conveying different content in the form of data, such as Internet radio, animation, audio files and high-definition video. network entirely in FTTHFTTH “Fiber to the Home” is the technology that connects POPs, located in exchanges, to end users’ property units with fiber optics. (Fiber To The Home) optic fiber across the whole of Italy. The goal is to guarantee coverage of the major Italian cities and the connection of rural areas through a UBBUBB Ultra-broadband is when the actual download connection speed is at least 30 Mbps. Networks in which the connection speed reaches or exceeds 1 Gbps are generically referred to as ultra-fast networks. To enable these speeds, optical fibres must be used instead of traditional copper cables, which is why these networks are called optical access networks (NGANs) or, more simply, optical networks (NGNs). fiber network, providing increasingly advanced services and functionality for citizens, businesses and the PA. Open Fiber is a wholesaleWholesale Open Fiber is a ‘wholesale only’ operator, i.e. it operates exclusively in the wholesale market, offering access on fair and non-discriminatory terms to all interested Market Operators.-only operator. It does not sell fiber optic services directly to the end customer, but makes its infrastructure available to all interested operators on equal terms. With over 13.9 million ultra-broadband UIs already connected, Open Fiber is Italy’s leading FTTH operator and one of the biggest in Europe.

www.openfiber.it / ufficiostampa@openfiber.it

Autostrade per l’Italia

An integrated mobility operator, Autostrade per l’Italia Group today employs almost 9,000 people. ASPI is one of the largest toll motorway concessionaires in Europe and the world, with around 3,000 km of managed network. The Group also operates in Italy through its subsidiaries, with a view to increasingly sustainable mobility: Movyon, Tecne, Amplia Infrastractures, Free To X and Elgea. A recruitment programme is currently underway for approximately 2,900 people, a key part of a business plan that envisages more than €21.5 billion in investments, including new works and modernisation of the motorway network.

www.autostrade.it / ufficiostampa@autostrade.it

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