We bring fiber optics to Public Administrations, institutions and schools.
One of our goals is to bring the benefits of fiber optics to institutions, Public Administration and schools. We want to create a Gigabit Society in line with the European plan to achieve ultra-fast bandwidth networkNetwork In computer language, the term network defines a set of hardware and software devices which, when linked together, enable the exchange and sharing of resources, data or information. In a computer network, the devices that generate, route and terminate data are called network nodes. coverage of administrative services and school facilities by 2025.
FTTHFTTH “Fiber to the Home” is the technology that connects POPs, located in exchanges, to end users’ property units with fiber optics. technology can make a safe and reliable contribution in this regard because it makes it possible to construct a large infrastructure of ultra-broadbandBroadband The term broadband, in telecommunications, generally refers to the transmission and reception of information data at a connection speed of over 144 kb/s. Broadband organises different channels, conveying different content in the form of data, such as Internet radio, animation, audio files and high-definition video. (UBBUBB Ultra-broadband is when the actual download connection speed is at least 30 Mbps. Networks in which the connection speed reaches or exceeds 1 Gbps are generically referred to as ultra-fast networks. To enable these speeds, optical fibres must be used instead of traditional copper cables, which is why these networks are called optical access networks (NGANs) or, more simply, optical networks (NGNs).) networks.
UBB makes Public Administration more efficient and more accessible to the general public with digitalised e-governmentE-government Contraction of ‘electronic government’, better known as digital government, referring to the combined use of computers, mobile devices and the Internet to enable public administrations to offer services to citizens or other public and private entities. and e-health services, stable connections for teleworking and e-learningE-Learning Contraction of Electronic Learning, also known as online learning or distance learning, i.e. the use of multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve learning quality by facilitating access to resources and services, as well as remote exchanges and collaboration., fast public Wi-Fi connections, and the optimisation of connections for research and training and e-mobility services.
Without forgetting the advantages that UBB reserves for local councils for monitoring the municipality, managing public lighting, and digitalising tourism and culture services.