At Open Fiber we are working to develop an ultra broadband (UBBUBB Ultra-broadband is when the actual download connection speed is at least 30 Mbps. Networks in which the connection speed reaches or exceeds 1 Gbps are generically referred to as ultra-fast networks. To enable these speeds, optical fibres must be used instead of traditional copper cables, which is why these networks are called optical access networks (NGANs) or, more simply, optical networks (NGNs).) optical fiberOptical fiber A cable made of glass fiber through which a light signal is transmitted over long distances for broadband network access. Compared to copper cables, optical fiber can transmit signals much faster, up to 40 Gigabits per second. It is therefore ideal for quickly transferring large amounts of data; it is also unaffected by external interference (electromagnetic interference, temperature variations, etc.). While fiber optics certainly offers the advantage of fast, high-quality and secure data transmission, its high installation cost is a drawback for network builders. Read the news to find out more: “Optical fiber, what it is and how it works”. networkNetwork In computer language, the term network defines a set of hardware and software devices which, when linked together, enable the exchange and sharing of resources, data or information. In a computer network, the devices that generate, route and terminate data are called network nodes. that can bring Italy up to speed.

To achieve this goal we need to form partnerships with businesses that are able to guarantee the high standards to which we aspire. Only in this way will we be able to help connect the country.

Quality, transparency and sustainability of supplies are the principles which we hold dear. For this reason we subject our suppliers to a qualification process, a transparent system open to companies and professionals interested in working with us.

To be included on Open Fiber’s suppliers’ list, prospective suppliers must state one or more Product Areas in which they operate.

Open Fiber has two distinct qualification processes:

  • A&B Clusters
    This is the sector in which Open Fiber invests its own resources to develop infrastructure (cities and the most urbanised areas). It also includes all services and supplies used in its business activities.
    See the qualification requirements for inclusion in the A&B clusters
  • C&D Clusters
    This is the sector in which Open Fiber develops infrastructure thanks to funding granted by InfratelInfratel Infratel Italia S.p.A. is an in-house company of the Ministry of Economic Development and is the implementing party of the Government’s Broadband and Ultra-Broadband Plans. For more information visit Italia S.p.A. for the development of ultra broadband in areas of market failure.
    See the qualification requirements for inclusion in C&D clusters

In the procedures for allocating works, services and supply contracts in its role as Licensee (C&D) for the development and management of a passive ultra broadband infrastructure, Open Fiber complies with the provisions outlined in its Operating Manual, as approved by Licensor Infratel Italia S.p.A. .

In order to participate in Open Fiber’s tenders (called for so-called ‘White Spots’) economic operators must have adhered to the Access Mechanism (ref. Operating Manual).

All access requests received will be subject to suitability checks by a specific Access Mechanism Committee which will communicate the assessment results to each economic operator.

Commission Regulations
List of authorized training Institutes
White AreasWhite Areas White Areas are those where private operators have not deemed it worthwhile to invest and therefore lack broadband and ultra-broadband infrastructure. Assignment Regulations
Updated list of Operators
Suitable Operators for road restoration

Open Fiber announces that the new product category ‘SERLIC – Industrial and Commercial Logistics Services’ has been published.


Open Fiber communicates that in order to participate in the assignment procedures (C&D Clusters) which will be held in November 2019, consideration will only be given to those Operators that presented a valid and complete application for adhesion to the Access Mechanism by 13.00 on 23/10/19 and were deemed to possess all of the necessary […]


“We hereby notify all participating Operators that in accordance with art. 7.7 of the Operating Manual OF has updated the SERTEP product area (rev.2) in order to permit the maximum participation of economic operators in observance of the principles outlined in articles 2 and 6 of the Operating Manual. This update also modifies the access […]

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Opening times

Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 18:00

For qualification extends please send a written request to: