Our ultra-fast networkNetwork In computer language, the term network defines a set of hardware and software devices which, when linked together, enable the exchange and sharing of resources, data or information. In a computer network, the devices that generate, route and terminate data are called network nodes. is built with FTTHFTTH “Fiber to the Home” is the technology that connects POPs, located in exchanges, to end users’ property units with fiber optics. (Fiber to the Home) technology.
The entire route from the exchange to the user’s home is fiber-optic, permitting maximum performance. We bring fiber optics directly to homes, offices, businesses and public administrations, ensuring access to the most advanced internetInternet The word comes from the fusion of the English terms international and net, i.e. international network. This term refers to the worldwide computer network that users all over the world can access via a computer to transmit and share data and information. services with unprecedented efficiency and connection stability.