Find answers related to handling malfunctions or complaints.

I have had a network failure for days. Who should I turn to in order to solve it?

Open Fiber is a wholesaleWholesale Open Fiber is a ‘wholesale only’ operator, i.e. it operates exclusively in the wholesale market, offering access on fair and non-discriminatory terms to all interested Market Operators.-only operator, which means that it is responsible for building the infrastructure and supplying the network to the Operators that will provide its services.
In the event of network failures or service malfunctions, please contact the Operator with whom you signed the contract.

Is it possible to move the routerRouter A network device that routes data packets between different networks or between sub-networks of the same network. Large carrier routers establish the traffic paths on the Internet backbone, while the more familiar home routers merely exchange packets between the home network and the Operator’s network, which in turn feeds into the worldwide Internet. from where it was placed by the technicians?

For this type of request, you must necessarily contact the Operator with whom you signed the contract.

The connection speed is very slow. How can I solve this?

The connection speed does not depend on our network. You can apply directly to the Partner Operator with whom you signed the contract.

How can I make a complaint?

To make a complaint you can send a detailed request to our certified e-mail address

The work on the street is completed, but the asphalt has not been resurfaced. When will you fix it?

The resurfacing of the road will only take place once the work has been completed, according to the timetable agreed with the municipality.
If the work has already been completed and the asphalt has not been resurfaced, please fill in the form.

How is the road surface restored?

The road resurfacing involves two different stages. The first takes place at the same time as the laying of the fiber-optic cable and involves the temporary resurfacing of the excavation. It will be easily recognisable since a mortar coloured with iron oxide (magenta) is used, allowing the soil to gradually settle. The second stage involves the definitive resurfacing of the entire road surface through the laying of asphalt. The cost of the work is borne by Open Fiber and is carried out according to a schedule agreed with the municipality.

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