Home automationHome automation Home automation is a field that studies technologies to improve quality of life in the home and automate its management as much as possible. It requires a strongly interdisciplinary approach since it combines architecture, building and energy engineering, electronics, IT and telecommunications. Home automation makes it possible to build a smart home in which, for example, switching on lights, opening doors and shutters, managing air conditioning, security systems and communication systems communicate internally or externally, including via mobile phones, smartphones and the Internet. is a field that studies technologies to improve quality of life in the home and automate its management as much as possible. It requires a strongly interdisciplinary approach since it combines architecture, building and energy engineering, electronics, ITIT Acronym for ‘Information Technology’, the technology used in the management and processing of information. This refers to the use of any computer, storage and networking system and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, protect and exchange electronic data in any format. and telecommunications. Home automation makes it possible to build a smart home in which, for example, switching on lights, opening doors and shutters, managing air conditioning, security systems and communication systems communicate internally or externally, including via mobile phones, smartphones and the InternetInternet The word comes from the fusion of the English terms international and net, i.e. international network. This term refers to the worldwide computer network that users all over the world can access via a computer to transmit and share data and information..


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