Find out more about Open Fiber Promotional Offers
Promotional Offer 4/2021- CD- Renewal BEA 2021
Promotional Offer 3/2021- Active P2P The acronym for peer-to-peer. This term is used in telecommunications to refer to a logical computer network architecture model in which nodes can act both as clients and servers to other terminal nodes (hosts) in the network. Promo for Operator Node (NOA)
Promotional Offer 2/2021- Promo extension over 50 mt FTTH “Fiber to the Home” is the technology that connects POPs, located in exchanges, to end users’ property units with fiber optics.
Promotional Offer n. 1/2021 of 210217 – Supply of 1 Gbps Interconnection Kit
Promotional Offer n. 18/2020 CD-Renewal-BEA-e-PACPAL_2021
Promotional Offer n. 16/2020 CD-Renewal-BEA-e-PACPAL_2021
Promotional Offer n. 15/2020 CD-FTTH FWA Also known as ‘Wireless Local Loop’ (WLL), FWA refers to the use of radio solutions to cover the last mile to property units dispersed in very sparsely populated areas. A main antenna, typically connected to the network via fiber optics, covers an area of varying size where an antenna is mounted on each property unit equipped with an apparatus that transforms the radio signal and enables the connection of the CPE (Customer Premises Equipment), the electronic device used as a user-side terminal.
Promotional Offer n. 14/2020 AB TRAFFIC PROMO
Promotional Offer n. 12/2020 CD-BEA Promotion
Promotional Offer n. 8/2020 CD- BEA Promotion
Promotional Offer n. 3/2020 CD- PACPAL Promotion