Open Fiber Connectivity Partner at Comicon 2022, 10,000 square metres connected thanks to FTTHFTTH “Fiber to the Home” is the technology that connects POPs, located in exchanges, to end users’ property units with fiber optics. fiber optics up to 10 Gbps

As the Connectivity Partner at COMICON 2022, we at Open Fiber provided our FTTH fiber to the 22nd edition of the International Comics and Games Fair, held in Naples from 22 to 25 April.

Participants at the event surfed the InternetInternet The word comes from the fusion of the English terms international and net, i.e. international network. This term refers to the worldwide computer network that users all over the world can access via a computer to transmit and share data and information. at the highest speed available on the market: 10 Gbps with Open Fiber’s FTTH networkNetwork In computer language, the term network defines a set of hardware and software devices which, when linked together, enable the exchange and sharing of resources, data or information. In a computer network, the devices that generate, route and terminate data are called network nodes..

There were 7 interconnected halls covering a total of 10,000 square metres, more than 200 fixed stations and 50,000 mobile devices, an average of more than 35 simultaneously active streaming feeds and 5 terabytes of data traffic generated in the first eight hours of the event alone.

During the four days of the Fair hundreds of people visited our Hall to check the coverage of their address and take advantage of Open Fiber’s ultra broadbandBroadband The term broadband, in telecommunications, generally refers to the transmission and reception of information data at a connection speed of over 144 kb/s. Broadband organises different channels, conveying different content in the form of data, such as Internet radio, animation, audio files and high-definition video. connection.

A connection speed of more than 1 GigabitGigabit The Gigabit is the unit of measurement that represents 1 billion bits and is abbreviated as Gbit or Gb. This unit of measurement is often used, together with the megabit and the kilobit, in relation to time (in seconds) for calculating the transmission speed of digital signals, mainly used to calculate the speed of a data download. The Gbit/s is currently a widely used unit of measurement to refer to data transmission speed in computer networks., combined with latencies of less than 5 milliseconds, is crucial for both professional and amateur gamers.

This is why Open Fiber, in collaboration with ProGaming, actively participated in the event with well-equipped stations and latest-generation consoles in Hall 6, creating challenges between pro players, videogame talents and the public of passionate gamers.

Watch the video summarising the highlights of the event:

Gaming and social engagement: the fight against cyberbullying

During the event, there were many occasions dedicated to raising the awareness of the many young participants on a topical and socially impactful issue: we talked about e-sports, cyberbullying and virtual violence. 

The talk was chaired by Luca Massaccesi, Olympic medallist at Barcelona ’92 and President of the National Observatory on Bullying and Youth Distress, and Emanuele Blandamura, former European boxing champion. 

“The biggest fear for 75% of gamers is cyberbullying. We must all try to prevent young people from feeling overwhelmed and to help them deal with those who taunt, mock, and exclude them during play. Because these behaviours are in fact a form of bullying that must be opposed.” “Gaming should not be demonised,” stresses Emanuele Blandamura, “for these and many other reasons, but nurtured. It is a sector that helps us to live, to connect with people outside our country, to develop character, to teach our language: it allows us to experience a universal brotherhood that must be protected.”